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Learn A Language In 100 Days...

With AI

How It Works

Watch the video or read the transcript below.

  1. What is GigaLearner?
  2. What is the DISCC method for language learning and why it’s so effective?
  3. How to use GigaLearner to learn with the DISCC method.
  4. How to learn a language from watching TV shows.
  5. How to learn a language in 100 days.

What is GigaLearner?

GigaLearner is an AI language learning tool that can be used to learn 20 languages as at the time of this video.

  • It’s perfect for beginners.
  • We do have a free plan so you can test it for free.
  • You don’t need to learn how to do anything or how to use anything. Just select your language and select your tutor and say “Hi”.
  • Unlike a human tutor, it’s available 24/7, it cost less and you can ask it anything.

If that’s all you need to know and you want to test it out, the link’s in the description.

But, GigaLearner is much more than just a chatbot. Let’s start by talking about the DISCC method.

DISCC Method

DISCC is a language learning methodology that we invented. It stands for dialog, immersion, story, context and common words. The theory is that the most effective way to learn a language is to combine all of these elements.

We know that the most common goal for language learners is to become conversational as quickly as possible. So we developed a language learning methodology that’s focused on helping people achieve that specific goal.

Let’s briefly get clear about why these elements matter.


When we were children we learned to speak by listening to a lot of dialog from the people around us then we started speaking when we were ready. Listening to dialog organically teaches what to say and when and in what context.


When we were children we were immersed in our local language. If you want to learn a new language you can immerse yourself in that language by moving to a new country but that’s obviously not practical for most people.


When talk about context at GigaLearner we’re talking about the scenarios that you’re using to learn a language. For example, common scenarios that people are interested in when traveling include using hotels, public transport and restaurants.

One of the most common reasons that people stop learning is that it stops being fun and starts to become really tedious.

If you’re passionate about cooking a particular type of cuisine, you’re going to find learning a language much more interesting by learning within the context of cooking as opposed to learning how to use public transport 100 different times.


Humans are hardwired to remember anything more easily when it’s presented as part of a story rather than being presented as isolated facts.

Traditional learning is all about memorizing isolated facts. Organic learning is all about listening to native speakers telling each other stories about what’s going in their lives.

It takes a lot of effort to remember facts. It takes no effort to remember stories.

Common Words

There’s research that says that the most common 1,000 words of a language represent approximately 80% of the words used in a typical conversation. So, if your goal is to become conversational in a new language as quickly as possible, then you need to learn these words first.

As for the remaining 20%, these words should mostly consist of the words used in your context. For example, if you’re moving to another country and will work a chef, you need to learn words relating to cooking.

DISCC And GigaLearner

So, how is the DISCC method delivered within GigaLearner?

Getting started is simple. Just pick a language and pick a tutor. Then you have three options.

  1. If you have something specific you want to learn, you can start by telling the AI tutor what you need and dive in.

  2. If you’re a beginner and you want to be guided through a lesson that will be optimized for you and your unique requirements, you don’t have to know anything or learn how to use anything. Just start by saying “Hi” and let the AI tutor guide you from there.

    One of the questions that the tutor will ask you is your current proficiency level. This is completely informal. It’s just asking you to rate your current ability on a scale of 1-10. It doesn’t have to be accurate. It’s just a guide that helps the AI tutor to develop a lesson based on your current level. You can also use one of these Quick Start prompts to dive straight into a lesson and avoid answering the usual questions at the start of a chat.

    The the tutor will also ask you what context or scenario you want to use then it’ll generate some text that meets all of the DISCC criteria: It will be dialog. It will be a story. It will use the most common words for the context you chose. The AI tutor will read it in your target language and provide a translation. Then you can spend as much time with it as you like and ask questions about sentence structure, vocabulary or anything else. When you’re done, the tutor will ask if you want another story and you can decide whether you want to change the context or increase the proficiency level.

    The simple summary is that you don’t need to know how to do anything. Just start a chat and you will find yourself learning by chatting with the tutor. Let the tutor take responsibility for guiding you through the optimal learning sequence.

    We’ve also included a summary of the DISCC method and the 1,000 most common words used in dialog in these sections under the chat.

    I also want to mention another important feature. Some AI models are better than others for different types of content and the best models today may not be the best models tomorrow. In the meantime, sometimes the server load on the AI models causes them to crash. We know that some of our competitors have crashed multiple times so we’ve built redundancies to reduce the likelihood of this happening. We’ve created a feature that allows you to switch between different models and select one that behaves the way you like. So, we’re not dependent on any particular model and neither are you. If none of this makes any sense to you, relax, just use the default settings and you’ll be fine.

  3. The third way to learn with the AI tutors is to learn by watching TV shows

How to learn a language from TV shows

We’re not just the inventors of the DISCC method. We’re also the first language learning platform to develop AI tutors that can help you learn a language from any YouTube video. I’ll explain how it works then I’ll explain why this is so important and why most of you should be doing this.

Find any video on YouTube that includes native speakers having a conversation. Get the link to the video and enter it into the chat and say something like “I want to learn with this video: [insert YouTube link]”. The AI tutor will translate the first minute of the dialog and present each line of dialog from the native language followed by a translation. Then you can spend time with it and ask the tutor any question you like in order to make sure you understand everything before moving on the next minute.

So, why is this so important?

  1. DISCC: Listening to a conversation between native speakers literally includes dialog. You will be immersed in the language. They’ll be telling each other stories within a context you enjoy and they’ll be using common words. If you listen to the conversation a few times and ask the AI tutor to explain the things you don’t understand, you can probably listen to that conversation again within a few hours and literally understand the entire conversion without any assistance. I don’t know about you but I think that’s very exciting.
  2. Accents: Every language has accents. Learning from videos of people that speak the exact accent you want to learn will reduce your anxiety about learning learning incorrect pronunciation.
  3. Local nuance: If you’re learning a language because you’re planning to travel to specific location you can learn from people that are from that location.
  4. Mistakes: AI is new technology so, while we’re in these early stages of development, it will occasionally make some mistakes. Now, I’ve seen some research indicating that it makes less mistakes than Google translate so that tells you that it’s developing very quickly. But, if you use this feature that allows you to learn from native in YouTube videos, you don’t have to worry about this issue because the video content includes the correct words, pronunciation and sentence structure that is used in real conversations between native speakers. So, this will always be your source of truth.

So, we’re acknowledging the limitations of the technology and giving you a solution. I don’t see anyone else in this industry doing that.

How to learn a language within 100 days

So, how do you learn a language in 100 days?

If you want to take on a challenge, try learning 10 words of vocabulary from the list of the 1,000 most common words per day for 100 days and spending a few minutes per day with the AI tutor to learn to use the new words while reinforcing the words that you previously learned.

For example, if you have learned 200 words but you feel like 20 of them require some reinforcement and you need to learn 10 new words, try telling the AI tutor that you want to learn by reading a dialog story that includes these words: [the 20 words that require reinforcement] and also includes: [the 10 new words].

You’re always going to feel like you’re making progress when your vocabulary is growing a by a few words a day and you’re learning something new about sentence structure each day.

Your ability to learn a language in 100 days depends on a lot of factors including your true starting point, the time you put into learning each day and your natural ability to learn a language.

The DISCC method and the technology we’ve built have all been deliberately designed to help you learn in the least amount of time, with the least amount of effort, the least of money and most amount of fun.

As I said earlier, we have a free plan. The link’s in the description. Go ahead and try it out.

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